Deposit behaviors are changing: Tracking and monitoring them in the new environment
2:00 PM ET / 1:00 PM CT
In the wake of unprecedented economic volatility tied to rate hikes and bank failures, the banking landscape has experienced a significant shift in consumer behavior in the realm of deposits. Not too long ago, retaining deposits was more of an afterthought than a strategic imperative. Now they’re top of mind for financial institutions and critical to future success.
This webinar will equip you with insights and practical techniques to monitor and track deposit behavior, allowing you to stay ahead of the curve. Join to understand the changing needs and mindsets of today’s depositors and how to manage to improve results.
You will learn:
- Observations on the current deposit landscape and what has changed
- What a core deposit study tells you and how to use it
- Important measurement metrics beyond solely tracking balances and rates
- The real sources of deposit growth – understanding market presence and demographics
- Strategies to enhance deposit acquisition and retention