AI, Machine Learning, and Your BSA/AML Program
In this webinar, Founder and CEO of Giant Oak, Gary M. Shiffman, PhD, will explain the role of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) in your BSA/AML program. With the support of Abrigo expert Brian Rodriguez, Gary will dive into the benefits of AI and ML, offer relevant use cases, and debunk common misconceptions about AI and ML within the BSA/AML world. Attendees will walk away with a greater understanding of who needs AI and ML, how it works, and things to look out for as these capabilities are integrated into their respective financial institutions.
Join this session to learn:
- AI terminology, buzzwords, and their meaning
- How machine learning effects the industry and your institution
- Common misconceptions to avoid
- Behind the scenes explanation of how AI reduces false positives
This session is eligible for 1 hour CAMS, CFCS and 1.25 hours CRCM