7 Ways to Cut Energy Costs When Running a Convenience Store
When running a convenience store, energy costs can eat up a lot of revenue. Although some energy costs are inevitable, others can be significantly reduced by following some of these easy-to-implement tips.
Gas Station Bay
Rather than having the gas station bay constantly lit at night, use one general overhead light for security purposes and motion detecting lights for when customers arrive to get gas.
Checking Refrigerators
Consider having employees do daily refrigerator checks. This will ensure that temperatures are not drifting below the required level and will help avoid high energy costs. These checks could be part of the opening or closing process for employees.
Rubber Strips on Doors
Try installing rubber strips along the edges of doors that lead to walk in coolers to prevent cold air from escaping while the door is closed. This can help save on cooling costs.
Refrigerator Charge
Consider having annual inspections on refrigerator charge. Incorrect refrigerator charge can reduce efficiency by up to 20% and can also increase risk of equipment failure, which can be costly.
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Clean Evaporator Coils
Consider having employees clean evaporator coils on a regular basis to prevent the buildup of ice, which can negatively impact the rate of heat transfer.
AC Filters
If you’re located near a highway with high air pollution, consider having AC filters changed monthly to increase efficiency and reduce cooling costs.
AC System Economizer
Consider having semi-annual inspections on the AC system economizer because sometimes they can get stuck open or closed, which can cause higher AC costs than necessary.
For more recommendations on how to cut costs for your Convenience Store, try our free cash flow solution, CashSage.