A Team Approach to CECL Education
Dave Cogswell, Credit Administration Director of Chemical Bank explains why multiple team members are attending the National CECL Conference.
Dave’s entire team at Chemical Bank is attending the National CECL Conference to gain understanding and exposure to the changes that CECL will bring. Not only will the Credit Administration team attend but also accounting. CECL will impact the entire financial institution, so getting everyone on the same page is imperative.
We interviewed Dave to find out the benefits he sees of sending multiple people to the conference.
Q: Why choose to send your entire team to the 2018 National CECL Conference?
A: Everyone has a unique responsibility in the ALLL. I want them to hear first hand how what they are doing will change.
Another reason is to give them exposure to other areas in the allowance. The ALLL Manager has the 10,000-foot view; while the daily allowance person has the 10-foot view. They both will hear actionable information and tips that will apply to their responsibilities.
Q: You are a 4-year conference veteran. Why do you choose this conference year after year?
A: The best thing about the conference is that you get away from the day-to-day and spend three days focused on the allowance. Sure, you can read articles and attend webinars, but the email is still coming in and people are still in and out of your office. When you are away, you can focus 100%. MST pulls together the industry thought leaders and experts to present, plus you have the opportunity to network with your peers and learn from them.
Q: What have you learned through the years at the conference?
A: Even before the CECL release, the conference was extremely beneficial. I’ve implemented ideas from the conference each year. One example is benchmarking for Q factors. That has really made a difference in estimating the allowance for us.
Join Dave Cogswell and the team from Chemical Bank at the 2018 National CECL Conference, May 22-25, 2018 at La Cantera Resort & Spa in San Antonio, Texas. Learn more. www.nationalceclconference.com