Credit policy reboot: New strategies for clearer guidance
2:00 PM ET / 1:00 PM CT
Is there confusion about the contents of your institution’s credit policy? Perhaps your policy is so extensive or vague—maybe even both—that it goes unread. Are there concerns among you or your lenders that it is contradictory? Does your policy blur the lines between guidelines and procedures? Is it overly prescriptive? Are there more than 10 exceptions to your current policy?
If you answered “yes” to any of these questions, it’s time to explore a new approach. In this session, we will introduce a fresh way to think about credit policy, guidance, and procedure that can streamline processes and increase clarity.
You will learn:
- How to ensure your risk appetite is aligned with goals and socialized with your teams
- Ways to make your policies and procedures more succinct
- How to effectively use risk rating as a policy instrument